Long-Form Copy That Isn't a Snore

Rank your business and build your brand awareness at the same time. I swear it's possible!


Writing SEO ranking blogs that aren’t the junk food of writing take skill. Lucky you’ve found me!

You know the feeling…

The one where you’re trying to google a simple question, and you feel rage build with every overly SEO-laden, boring AI article that you click past.

You just want to know how many days you can keep leftover rice in the fridge. Or what haircuts will make your jawline look the sharpest. Or which new online shopping app is a scam and which one will be your latest obsession.

As consumers, we know it’s a red flag when you’re trying to engage with content or research a new product, and the people marketing it to you have put in… less than stellar effort.

They give you no context, no help and somehow do the bare minimum to convince you that their product is the best.

It leaves me feeling like one one frustrated - and even worse, disinterested - buyer.

Sure they’ve got the eyeballs, but do they know what to do with them?

The best SEO work achieves ranking but also quality. It offers useful information and closes sales for your buyers.

That’s why my mission in life (after achieving world peace and space flight) is to fix the top pages of Google search results, and fill them with artfully crafted, useful SEO articles.

The kind that entertain, craft your brand’s image and more importantly, convert.

Ask me for some examples of blogs without the boring.




SEO Copy



Next Up: Global Angelman Syndrome Registry

Landing Page Copy

A plea for patients to join and support the Angelman Syndrom Registry on a global scale.



Beth Freeman


Beth Freeman

Freelance Copywriter


Get In Touch